Yup that's right! In the beginning of staying home while quarantined I took full advantage of all my favorite snacks and comfort foods. It wasn't long before I noticed I was looking extremely bloated in a matter of days. I decided to get back on my detox and make some small adjustments to my diet in order to shed off some pounds.
I began using my True Tē detox before bed two days out of the week. This detox is great as it helps to release toxins and cleanse my body of built up waste by the morning. A detox that I only need to drink two times out of the week as pose to everyday seemed much more realistic, as I'm a mom and a wife I tend to get pretty busy throughout the week.
Another adjustment I made was swapping my morning breakfast for a fresh natural fruit and/or veggie juice. I've gained an interest in making my juices every morning as my toddler loves them as much as I do. It's a great way to sneak in some extra veggies in these delicious juices without her knowing. Her favorite is the citrus pineapple and apple juice, I have to admit its one of mines too.
Last I adjusted the times I eat with a little bit of intermittent fasting. I have my first meal of the day at 12pm and my last meal no later than 8pm. After one week of trying this I hopped on the scale and was 5lbs lighter than the previous week. I have to admit I was impressed! These small adjustments made a huge impact and motivates to keep going and choosing a healthier lifestyle. I encourage anyone looking to lose weight quickly and safe to start by making these small changes.